Sit exercise - the beginning

Ungeprüfte Gesamtbewertungen (11 customer reviews)

This video describes how we teach our dog the command “sit.”
Note: After payment, the video is unlocked for 30 days.
Link to video: Sit exercise - the beginning (unlock after payment)


inkl. MwSt

Video details:

  • An understanding for the sit command
  • Learning a good technique
  • Video examples
  • Lenght 05:55 minutes

Preparatory videos:   

  • no

Link to video (unlock after payment)

11 reviews for Sitzübung, der Anfang

  1. Monique Anstee

    Such a fundamental skill, that I can now improve. This method is so logical and simple. My fave video so far.

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  2. Keijo Kodis


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  3. Silvia Fesl-Schrott

    Super erklärt

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  4. Gertrudis De Alcala

    This videos with the books are helping me so much in my training!!! Everything is explained so well step by step with every single detail.

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  5. Günter Hahn

    Genau das was ich gebraucht habe

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  6. Günter Hahn

    Alles so wie gewünscht

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  7. Andrea Wohlhuter

    Excellent first steps for my puppy. Working on this now.

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  8. Renee Fulcer

    Good video – the instructions are very clear.

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  9. Eckhard Schulz

    Alle Videos ohne viel zu labern kurz und verständlich erklärt.

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  10. Jan Bauerfeind

    Für Anfänger ein sehr hilfreiches Video, um von Beginn an Fehler zu vermeiden.

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  11. Ralf Müller

    Alles bestens, super erklärt

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